Thread: Queens.
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Old 10-03-2005, 12:54 PM
rikz rikz is offline
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Default Re: Queens.

It's funny, but this is just about the exact line I lost my stack with last night holding AA on a 478r flop. A preflop caller in EP bet into me for 1/2 the pot. I raised a decent, but less than pot-sized raise, then he called and proceeded to bet a little less than half the pot into me when the turn was a brick.

In hindsight, I raised his flop bet for information (and to make draws pay to chase), and his flat call/bet should have been enough information for me to fold on the turn when he kept betting. I think this is a line that reeks of strength. Instead of folding, however, I called the turn bet. Then the pot was so damn big that his 1/4 pot bet on the river (that put me all in by that point) was a crying call. I lost to a flopped straight. But it could have just as easily have been a set. He played it well, I didn't.

I wish I could fold in this spot. But last night, I certainly wasn't good enough to actually do it.
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