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Old 10-02-2005, 02:40 PM
Loci Loci is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Michigan
Posts: 58
Default Re: Can\'t figure out my edge on this one...

Thanks everybody! Sorry I didn't save the suits; I didn't actually think I'd be posting this, but I thought it might help Jeff (the roommate) sleep at night... It's two days later and he's still fuming. ah... sweet novice. I've been giving him outside pointers, but I haven't gotten around to talking about pot odds and implied odds yet. He's still hung up on mastering the whole play-tight-but-aggressive thing. In any case, on the whole, while it naturally would have been great to sestuple up, I'm just trying to get him to understand that a ~40% (2:5) shot at a 1:5 payoff is what is generally considered a good thing.
On a side note, why is it so hard for people to understand that being a 4:1 favorite means that you're going to lose ~ one out of every five times? I'm going to lose this hand over HALF the time, so I shouldn't be all bent out of shape about it. I don't think it would be out of the realm of normal expectations to assume that with a 4800 chip lead (against 4 other players) on level one would PROBABLY ensure me to be in the top two without doing anything else, and a very reasonable shot at first place.
Thanks again, guys. I appreciate the help!
In the words of Garth: "I like to play."
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