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Old 10-02-2005, 06:37 AM
ghostface ghostface is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: NC State
Posts: 160
Default I hate racist girls

So i was chillin in the hallway in my dorm after drinkin a "fuckton" and I ended up talkin to some chick about her bf. The dumb [censored] slut bitch thta wants to hook up with me starts sayin [censored] about hopw the girl i was talkin to was Chinese or some other eastern culture. I got really pissed (not using the [censored] word cause it will just get {censotred}) cause she has admitteed to being a recist slut. I also cant tuype now cause she is a bitch and i drank too much since i am a college droput and this is my last night here. I wanted to have sex with her kind of but shes a big sluit and admits to gettin raped like 80% of the time she ahs sex. basically should i be nice to her in the morning for some sex or should i go home to my girl that has an account at webshots and her account is either bamusick15 or lilmusick15. I cant remember right now cause i drank more than you.

search for jessica moody and post who is hotter. betweeen bamusick15 and mooody [censored] g bitch.
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