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Old 10-02-2005, 01:03 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Which Food Network Chick Would You Rather Bang?

The second one looks like her head is about to fall off, but is otherwise cute. What's with that "my head can't stand straight up" look you see all the time in womens' promo pictures?

I like two women I see on Saturday afternoon PBS shows sometimes. One is on Everyday Cooking, and started as a blond but now has a mousy brunette color. There's another one with the same hair color who is skinnier and not nearly as pretty. The one I like is cute and has a good body, with a slyly sexy look about her. I don't know if she always looks like that or is trying to seduce the camera, but whatever, it works for me. Seduction is good. Whatever she's doing, she's good at it.

The other is a black woman on a gardening show that reminds me a lot of Halle Berry, who I've had a thing for ever since that "Boomerang" movie.
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