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Old 10-01-2005, 09:42 PM
Dan Mezick Dan Mezick is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Foxwoods area
Posts: 297
Default Re: Never Ending Goals

Pick one item. Then align your daily decisions with your intentions.

It appears your intentions include diffusing your available focus and power across several non-correlated and potentially opposing goals.

Begin to clarify your intentions by choosing one item and setting a specific date for intended, clearly defined results.

This may allow some serialization of goal-setting, and intended result-getting.

It appears your issue is non-correlated goals that may actually be in opposition to each other.

There is a theory that says this situation is actually your intention, or exactly "what you want". The assumption is that actual results are highly indicative of actual intentions. Central to this idea is the assumption that, whether you accept it or not, you are 100% responsible for all the results you are getting.
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