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Old 10-01-2005, 08:24 PM
Dan Mezick Dan Mezick is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Foxwoods area
Posts: 297
Default Re: Never Ending Goals

Concentrate your focus on one well defined goal. Diffusing your focus across several unrelated goals never gets you there.

Set a goal. Break it down into component sub goals.

Then, don't even get out of bed unless and until getting out of bed hits 3 or more of those sub goals.

Test every activity of every day against the sub goals and avoid (RUN AWAY) from any activity that does not hit at least 3 of them.

Be a real jerk about this for 3 weeks and notice the intended results manifesting VERY quickly.

Run quickly towards activities that clearly address 3 or more sub goals.

As an aside...when you get good at this, you will find that deferring a candidate activity that is 'almost there' really pays off. Be discriminating. Say a candidate activity hits 2 goals now, but some other activities hit 3 now. Defer the hits-2 activity and do the hits-3 activity, Now.

Later that hits-2 activity will ripen and become a hits-3 because circumstances change. Now you can go and do it.

This overall idea is a key technique that can make you appear to be 3 times as productive as the typical person, who is by nature quite Random.

Test all activities that compete for your time against your short list of objectives. Give time only to those activities that are highly leveraged.
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