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Old 10-01-2005, 04:20 PM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 208
Default Appeasers and Cowards: A Tyrant\'s Best Friends

You're ass-u-ming they think as you. Not something I, personally, want to risk. And the risks that go along with out-and-out war with Iran are many.
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What can Iran do if the US fleet imposes a blockade?
*Work on developing nuclear weapons?
*Finance terror groups?
*Manufacturing shape charges to kill US troops more effectively in roadside bombings and then give them to hostile insurgents?
*Supplying small arms and ammunition to insurgents.
*Assassinating any Shiite clerics in Iraq which are friendly to the US.
*Engage in massive countefeiting of US currency?

Hmmmmmm.....they are already doing this. If this is Iran at peace then I guess I don't know what peace is....... It seems to me the biggest risk is allow this behavior to continue without enacting consequences on Iran. I think your thought process is rather cowardly. It is the Iranians that need to worry. They are engaging in several war-like acts on the USA. So far Bush doesn't have the balls to deal with them other than to call them a member of the axis of evil. And it goes with out saying that no Democrat 'leader' has the balls to confront the Iranians.....
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