Thread: $33 A full HH
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Old 10-01-2005, 03:14 PM
jeffraider jeffraider is offline
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Default Re: $33 A full HH

Oooooh full HHs:

Level 1:


Level 2:

33 UTG+1 - Nice fold!

Level 3:

52s BB - Nice fold on the flop. A lot of people lose money here.

Level 4:

KJo Button - Nice push!

T8s BB - Nice flop push!

A9s UTG - Good fold, I think it was close but good.

Level 5:

T7o SB - Misclick leaving yourself 100? Good push if it was a misclick though.

K5o Button - I'd push here normally especially because omaha seems to be happy pushing and not getting called, so he's not going to be looking to call you with air.

Level 6:

AQs BB - Nice!

ATs UTG - Good push!

A4o BB - Nice fold, no reason to get involved here.

Level 7:

JJ SB - I would just push here rather than get cutesy, because getting cutesy looks more suspicious and he'll fold more often I think. You'd love a call so I'd just push.

A6o Button - Are you going to fold if NeverLoseLi repops you getting 3:1ish with A6? I think this raise to 1000 puts you in a bad spot and I'd just push here.

Heads up, Level 7:

Q3s SB - Good push! You've got a suited Q and you need the chips.

Q5o SB - I like this push too. I'm shocked you got a call by a worse hand though!

J6s SB - I think I'd prefer a complete/fold here. You've got the stack now and you're not desperate so I think that you should slow down a bit and not give him a chance to come back, especially when the blinds are relatively low right now and will be at 200/400 in a hand or two and you want to conserve your pushing power for then.

Heads up, Level 8:

99 SB - Booyah!

96s SB - I think the fold is good here. He's shown himself to be a folder when it's his SB so giving up the odd one is okay, and this guy has made some pretty hairy calls against you. Against a more aggressive opponent in the SB I'd push, and against a more sane caller opponent I'd push.

J2o SB - Nice push! J-high could be best (as it was) and you just gave him one so this one looks a little scarier.

J5o SB - I like this push because if he can fold you've got a nice chiplead on him and can keep the pressure on.

T8o BB - Nice check-call line! Woot!

K2s SB - No brainer!

Q3o SB - Nice push, and nice tournament!

I think you played really well, missed one push but otherwise really clean game!

I don't know what the other poster in this thread was talking about re: omaha, are you supposed to be calling his UTG pushes with K9??! You didn't make a single mistake against him except missing the K5 push.
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