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Old 10-01-2005, 02:34 PM
Felix_Nietsche Felix_Nietsche is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
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Default Re: Iranian oil - a paradox

I would love to see the USA inact an a naval bloackade of Iran. It would mean higher oil prices but it would many other positive benefits.

*Help to destablize the Iranian govt, a sponsor of terror.
*Help to slow their nuclear program.
*Greatly inhibit the Iranian ability to purchase, manufacture arms to supply to Sunni/Shiite rebels in Iraq.

The only wildcard is how the moderate Iranians will react. Will they sit back or will they rally around the governing theocracy? Personally I wouldn't care if they did, the benefits outway the negatives.... As for Iran threatening to stop shipments of oil, this is an empty threat. This would be like a person with $100,000 of credit card debt threatening to quit their job. Sure they could do it but who would get hurt more?
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