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Old 09-30-2005, 04:51 PM
jackaaron jackaaron is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 46
Default Re: THE book (Theory of Poker)

Thanks folks. It's funny, because you are all addressing things that I was hoping to hear. I think, mentally, you have to come at the game from playing many hands correctly regardless of outcome. You're not going to win every sng, every tourney, and so on, but if you're approaching it this way, I feel it's possible that later on as you gain experience, you'll know more good decisions that can be made. Does that make sense at all? What I mean is this...a starting player that makes good decisions might not check the nuts on the river, whereas if you have some experience and think that you can induce a bluff in your opponent, you might check the nuts on the river and get more money out of him than you would have (I'm not saying this is a correct play all the time, it's situational, and would come from experience, but could be hurtful over time if you kept doing it in the wrong situation). I ramble, but thanks for all of your input.
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