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Old 09-25-2003, 04:58 AM
M2d M2d is offline
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Default Re: Ciaffone quiz question-answers (his and mine)

B.C.: (b) "there is not much sense pumping the pot on a typical draw if there are lots of players in, because you can hardly ever use your semibluffto win the pot. someone will look you up, and maybe you'll get raised"

M2d: Not c, not b, so it has to be a. why put in a raise with a draw when you know that your opponent can and will play back at you with nothing (or with the nuts). In B, you probably lose the semi-bluff potential, but you can probably raise for value against a big field, especially if you have a couple of caller between the bettor and yourself. with a large enough field, checkraising an early (but later than you) bettor isn't out of the question.
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