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Old 09-30-2005, 12:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: God & String Theory

To provide an example, let's pretend there existed a human being whose brain had the mental capacity to be able to calculate these extremely large equations. If this human being was existing on Dec 8, 2004, then they would be able to perceive the present state of reality, examine this state (aka "equation) and then factor to the future and determine future states of reality. Alternatively, say this human existed in Ohio. They could examine their current reality, factor back and follow each pre-existing state of reality back to a certain point, and then follow the interactions of those pre-existing particles with other pre-existing particles, and follow those along a different path, to arrive back to the present, and be able to calculate the existing state of reality in, say, California. While the person wouldn't have physically moved, their mind would be able to determine other states of existence based on time or place. If such a person existed, then during those moments of extreme calculation, they would be experiencing the capacity for ESP. They might not "know" how they are doing, but in their "minds eye", they are perceiving the future, or are seeing other places that are existing at the same time.

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Uncertainty Principle has already been brought up, but I guess you're saying although it's unobservable, that doesn't disprove the existence of these forces. However, does calculating this equation to peer into the future change it? Does it always see the future, past, dimensions of space?

This supreme being would also have to be able to store this data, and over what time period can this being calculate this equation (what's it's computational power?). Are either of these two things limiting factors on the possibility of whether this can be done? This is quite a brain, and I'm not sure if the laws of physics allow for it to be a possibility as we know of.

Also, are multible possibilities for the future taken into account (maybe given different possibilities of likelihood), or is the future determined like the past, present?

Additionally, lets say there was a human being that was so intuned to "the way" (aka, superstrings, or the permeating force of everything) that they could perceive the interactions between the atomic structure of the world around them and their own human body's atomic structure. Some atomic theories state that if given enough time, if a person were to constantly try to walk through a wall, that eventually the atomic arrangment would be such that for that very moment, they would be able to walk through the wall.

However, that method is pure brute force, just trying it over and over again. What would happen if there were a human that could perceive those atomic arrangements, and perhaps even shift them around on demand whenever they wanted, then they could conceivably walk through walls whenever they wanted. If they could do this, perhaps what else would they be able to do? Perhaps they would be able to calculate and perceive the atomic structure of water, and allow their body to interact in such a way with water that the person would actually be able to.... walk on water. Perhaps they could use this same capacity to alter the molecular structure of water and... turn water into wine. Perhaps they could use this same skill to "reach into" another human being (really since we are all part of the same "stuff", they are really only reaching into the ether, the way, whatever) and change the other humans body so much that... the blind would be able to see again.

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To do this would again require storage of information on each superstring (or atom or whatever small thing it is that needs to be controlled). Also, an ability to access information or control these things this would require energy that comes from where? How does that energy affect things?

I guess I don't have much of a point, but I'd appreciate it if anyone could address my idle thoughts, cuz I'm pretty clueless here. But yeah, it's Laplace's demon as has been stated by someone.
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