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Old 09-30-2005, 07:31 AM
bholdr bholdr is offline
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Default drunken caffinated post #1... can\'t sleep...

...and i'm a little too bombed to play good poker... must... resist... OOT...

this is a fantastic bonus structure, but the good games are few and far between... i'll probably do it, mostly because it clears $10 at a time, so i'm not comitted to playing the whole 500 hands. I have to run some numbers though... i think my rakeback might just be making me more when i add in my (modest) winnings 4 tabling 3/6 at euro, but can rarely get into more than one game bigger than $1/2 at 365- big waiting lists and some very tight games there. I do so enjoy pounding on the weak-tight whores that flock to good bonuses like this (they probably like my LAGiness, too, though...). but, i digress.

Oh yeah:

don't forget that they have a $50 5x signup bonus, too, and i believe that one has to submit the email claiming the bonus(es) before the end of the month in which that bonus was earned. i think there was something vague in the t&c about that, so i'm gonna send my email now and not chance it.

Oi! I almost forgot... I'm sure that this has been mentioned a bunch, but their casino bonus, 100% to $200 at 10x(D+B) is SPECTACULAR, too. if you haven't done it yet, DO IT NOW, for it WILL get killed by whores before too long.

gl all.

oh, am i not supposed to spill the beans about good bonuses like their casino sign up? screw it, the only whores it's gonna hurt are the dumb ones and the ones using gnomes. this is a cutthroat business, people. damn i'm a little tipsy... forgive me if i'm offending anyone tonight (i usually do when i post in this... um... idiom. i should use one of my many gimmick accounts...)
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