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Old 09-30-2005, 03:14 AM
fatdave fatdave is offline
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Default Re: God & String Theory

Thanks for the response so far.

To try to clarify:

First off, I use the term superstring lightly. Even though I may say "superstring", just consider it to be the "theory for everything", or "building block of everything". If something smaller than a superstring is theorized, than that will be the same concept to which I am referring.

Some people perceive and interact with the same things, in very different ways. Person A uses intution, Person B analyzes all the variables in a situation and makes their decision based on that.

All those variables that a Person B analyzes, are subconsciously analyzed by Person A. So, the feeling of "in tune with his natural self" is equivalent to being able to perceive on an empirical level.

That is not to say that somebody who can interact scientifically (in the future, say) with superstrings is on the same mental or spiritual level as somebody who is enlightened. One may have a more emotional connection with the universe, the other a more logical one.

In regards to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle... I'll paraphrase an audiobook I listened to about death. The narrator says that "even though we may not have a television to manifest television signals, doesn't mean there aren't television signals flying around everywhere. Likewise, just because we don't have a [Tao detecting machine] doesn't mean that the [Tao isn't everywhere]" (he was really talking about souls, but I think the same thing applies. So, just because we currently can't detect strings in the physical world, doesn't mean there's not some hidden receptor in our brain that can analyze them, even if we don't know what it's doing, and can't always interpret the results.

So... let me give another example:

A) A buddhist monk meditates and becomes enlightened. He feels that the universe and he are one.

B) A scientist develops a machine to detect superstrings... he can view the superstrings in his body, and on the lab table, and see that on that level, they all seem the same.

C) A Christian prays to God, feels grace, and feels a strong bond with God.

D) A woman reads the thoughts of people she has never met.

E) A religious figure performs a "miracle"

I feel that the "forces" that each of these people interact with, is the very same thing. Imagine a wave passing through a field of superstrings at a certain frequency. Perhaps one person's mind is subconsiously intune to that frequency, and can therefore read minds. Perhaps somebody else's mind is in tune to a different frequency, and can feel the grace of God. Now, they might not know it... and may only be perceiving these things subconsiously... some might receive these signals their entire life, but never know what to do with them. Others may receive these signals, not know where they came from, but consider it "intuition" or an "message from God".

Example 2:

A) The scientific logic used to explain string theory,

B) The religious mythologies,

C) The meditative attempts to feel enlightened,

...are all different methods of interacting (or learning or trying to interact) with the exact same thing. Some people feel God's grace through prayer and niceties, taught to them through mythologies and parables. Some people feel enlightened through personal meditation.

So, to summarize, the Tao, God and Superstrings are the same "force" surrounding us all. Grace, enlightenment, ESP are all different results of interacting with this same force, using different methods.
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