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Old 09-29-2005, 11:03 PM
RainDog RainDog is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 34
Default Re: God & String Theory

I have become discombobulated sorting through the many ideas running rampant in this forum. These are perhaps things that I myself have thought upon at some time or even debated over with another. However, the nature of this group and the efforts many of you have put into laying things out in writing have catapulted me into a hefty amount of soul searching. And I thank you all for that (As this is the closest thing to scholarly study of Philosophy that I may ever arrive at). I must say I'm much more of a lurker here than a poster. At this point, for me, learning is more important than teaching as I have so many things to contemplate before I am capable of discerning any sort of concrete answers (if that shall ever be possible).

But now onto this notion of "String Theory & God" as you put it. It is certainly an attractive concept. While applying it to Jesus is interesting and possible, I can't readily apply this theory to him just because it "might" work. Seems too eager and radical of a leap in logic to me.

I'm am also very attracted to Quantum Theory and the realms of possibility that it has opened up. When one sees what he expects to see out of a subatomic particle it really makes mom's old line, "You can do anything if you put your heart to it", a degree more convincing. I like thinking that the world really is what I make of it. And I needn't be so keen on destroying others notions of the world (unless they violently interfere with mine).

But now, can these two things (string theory and quantum theory) coexist? Because (and correct me if I'm wrong), string theory seems to suggest an absolute future. And I'm actually less fond of the theory if it leads to life being an algorithm that can be danced along by a superior ESP capable mind.

Talk to me.

Oh, and to NotReady. I agree that the OP seems to trying to justify things in the Bible which leads to some contridiction. However, the bible needn't be an all-or-none entity when building these relations. In theory, "Everything" can certainly encompass God.
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