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Old 09-29-2005, 09:47 PM
ProsperousOne ProsperousOne is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Motown, Aruba Bound....
Posts: 60
Default Re: Beginning MTH v2

I'm creating a psuedo MTH (using AHK) until your program is complete for Crypto sites...

I'm only working with it on 4 tables now, but I've got the same problem... What to do if you're 8 tabling and want to follow or activate a window..

Here's a thought: Have a "window Lock" key, where you can force that window to stay on top so you can follow the action on that table. If another window steals focus, after you act, that "Locked" window will return. I guess you'd have to have any lockded windows on the upper left and the non loced in the lower right? Not quite sure what I'm saying... Damn.. no wonder I'm having so much trouble coding my program!!!
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