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Old 09-29-2005, 07:45 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Beginning MTH v2

A function that allowed you to identify table(s), such they they don't get buried after you act, so that you could continue to follow the action through showdown. This is critical for multi-tabling when there is substantial, sometimes total, overlap (e.g., when I'm 10-tabling on two average monitors, two of those tables are completely buried when not in focus, and most of the others have so much overlap it is very difficult to see the action).

Specifics: When a table comes into focus that you want to follow after acting, you hit a key that causes the table to go to a position immediately adjacent to the main focus location, and to remain in focus (on top of any other tables already in that position) until the next hand begins at that table. Ideally, there would be 2-3 such secondary focus locations).

Alternatively, you might simply have a key-based function that kept a table of interest on top when it returned to its original location (i.e., so it doesn't get buried) until the start of the next hand.

This is outstanding work already. Thank you.
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