Thread: PT stats
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Old 09-29-2005, 10:47 AM
jogger08152 jogger08152 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 32
Default PT stats

What is the general concensus for good PT stat ranges? I only bought PT a couple weeks ago, and now I'm trying to get a fix on how to use it best. I'm playing 2/4 at the moment, mostly because I'm skittish about the larger limits, but I'd like to know how the bigger limits play as well.

I've got 6611 hands so far, stats are 19.53/11.87/2.01 (1.78 river - often I'm backing off on the river if I've protected a pair with a questionable kicker or find I can't shake someone with an umimproved AK or AQ, though I'm betting this hand at times as well, both to vary my play, and because occasionally firing the third barrel can get someone off a hand - particularly if they've seen me check the same hand on the end in the recent past and are alert enough to incorrectly deduce that I must be betting a big pair now.)

Anyway, I'm wondering especially, is 19.53 VPIP too loose? Also, how much do you guys defend your small and big blinds?
How much do you steal?
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