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Old 09-29-2005, 06:31 AM
ClaytonN ClaytonN is offline
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Default What a crappy predicament

A hate the chaos theory

-i have cough for 2 weeks
-door left unlocked while i go to the medical center to get drugs
-money + phone charger stolen from room
-my phone = my alarm clock
-phone becomes dead, no more alarm clock until i get a new phone charger
-can't get to best buy until return trip to atlanta home in a week

So, today I'm getting a new alarm clock, because I tried using an internet alarm clock yesterday morning and it failed to wake me up. My roommate usually wakes up around the same time I do, and he woke me up. Except I wasn't awake at all... I talk in my sleep.

This resulted in me being late to a class where attendance is required. Crap! It'll likely hurt my grade...

And so today, I'm presenting a paper in class and the class starts at 9:30. I can't trust my internet alarm clock, and I can't trust my roommate (bc I can't trust myself when im asleep and talking).

So here I am, 6:30 in the morning, and wide awake from an energy drink. Argh.

At least the paper I wrote is good. But I got no sleep. I fear oversleeping in my bed. SOAB.
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