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Old 09-28-2005, 05:47 PM
OneCentRob OneCentRob is offline
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Default Re: Ptracker question on Position Stats

I am amazed that you are winning in the BB. My guess is that this is just a statistical blip which will correct itself after another 20k hands.

If you can make a profit from the BB, that means you should be playing every pot, limping or raising with any hand from every position. Clearly this would be madness. Either you are a poker genius of supernatural powers, or this is a blip. My guess would be that you have won a few giant pots from BB when you have hit monsters, which has distorted your stats. You should be able to see this from analysing your data. Are there a couple of really big pots that stand out? If you subtract your top 10 and bottom 10 pots from BB are you still in profit? My guess would be not. After 20k hands, it is surprising how a couple of really big pots can still have a signifiacnt impact on your stats.

I would be surprised if many people have a pefect correlation between position and win rate after 20k hands.
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