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Old 09-28-2005, 03:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Interesting Hand from WPT Aruba

I'm concerned about a lot here.

#1 He came in with a call when you describe him as usually coming in with a raise in this exact situation
#2 He puts in the third raise preflop but it doesn't seem to be enough to shut out his opposition, he seems content to let them come along for 2150 preflop and see what happens.
#3 I don't think he's going to believe you actually have a big hand here. He's coming with 66-88 as well as a big suited ace like aqs. (Hopefully you're not doing terrible, especially vs most of this range with the dead money, I dunno if you want to take this spot or not, it depends how good you think you are vs your table)
#4 In conclusion, I'm not seeing the same amount of fold equity as you might have decided you had. I probably would not go for it here since most likely I'm in a race or 60/40 with only like 1600 dead.
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