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Old 09-28-2005, 12:31 PM
theTourne theTourne is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 23
Default Re: Obsessive-compulsive walking patterns / cracks / lines / etc.

I also do the laser thing, or sometimes I just imagine that somebody really fast is jumping off of the little roadside things you see and keeping up with the car.

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I used to do that one too. I didn't have a skateboarder following on the power lines like a couple earlier posters, there was a guy jumping from street sign, to billboard, to building roof, etc. He always had to find the next surface to land on to keep up.

The other thing I would do in the car is figure out when the front edge of the car would intersect the oncoming electric poles from my perspective, then close my eyes whenever they cross so that I would never see the intersection.


wow I have always done this exact thing, only with powers of 2 (2,4,8,16). I do this with cracks in the sidewalk or fence posts also. I also have a preference for the larger numbers -- I am happiest when walking along a fence where the fenceposts are 16 paces apart for example (even if 3 fenceposts = 16 paces, I will find that pattern, etc). when I am driving or riding in a car I will often twitch my toes 8 times between each lightpost, stuff like that too.

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Yeah, I also do my multiples of 4 thing with fence posts, cracks, number of windows in a building, etc.

This thread makes me feel kind of good, but also less unique.
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