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Old 09-27-2005, 03:05 PM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: Paying attention?

The article you linked to is extremely old and I'm not quite sure of its relevance to my point. But a few thoughts on it:

In the article he refers to the defection of Saddam's soninlaw, and says that he revealed all sorts of programmes that UNSCOM hadn't known about. That's true, but he neglects to mention that the son-inlaw also revealed that all these programmes had since been shut down.

He also talks in depth abour the extensive degree to which western intelligence agencies used UNSCOM as a cover to spy on Iraq's military (and possibly even launch a coup!). This was the reason IRaq gave for refusing to allow it back in the late 1990s, for which it was widely denounced, and was poopooed at the time and sincem with people continuing to use the incident as evidence of its bad faith. But it was right, and clearly it's ridiculous to expect any country to let a body that its enemies are using to spy on it have unfettered access to any sensitive site it wants.
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