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Old 09-27-2005, 01:54 PM
curtains curtains is offline
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Posts: 240
Default Re: revisiting old post

Ok first of all this is a very easy call. SNGPT has it as like +1.3% EV (A ridiculously huge amount considering how high my EV already is) assuming that the hand my opponent pushed is the absolute worst hand he would ever push. Now we can assume he might even push weaker hands, but who knows.

To make a long story short, folding is ridiculous. The math can prove it, no amount of abstract future game situations should make up for this.

Also I was much weaker player then so forgive the few stupid things I say. I had only instinct, not math, to back me up then.

Here is the link:;o=&fpart=

Also note that from a theoretical standpoint (ie all opponents play perfectly, and you are shooting for the highest EV for this hand), I believe that the SB should push somewhere around 55% of hands, whereas the BB should call about 27%. Forgive me I did those numbers last night, and they may be off by a few % points.
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