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Old 09-27-2005, 11:30 AM
jmrogers7 jmrogers7 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 32
Default Re: poker sites \"juicing\" the game

If they do somehow juice the pots or rig the game, it’s certainly not enough to stop expert or even good players from making thousands of dollars a month, and even hundreds of thousands a year in some cases.

It is believed that Party pulls in over a million dollars a day in rake alone, which would lead some to argue that “they make enough money”, and that they wouldn’t jeopardize their immensely profitable business for a few extra bucks.

This to me seems somewhat of a logical fallacy.

First of all, to imply that someone makes “enough” money is completely arbitrary, and in most cases quite far from the truth. I have yet to hear of a company that feels they make “enough” money, and willfully forfeits pursuing any additional avenues of revenue.

To think that there aren’t people working around the clock, sitting in boardrooms discussing and strategizing about how to pull even more money out this very lucrative (albeit shady) industry, would be naïve. Especially now having a responsibility to shareholders. (Keep in mind that just because they may not have cheated in the past, does not mean for certain that they would not do so in the future, especially if forecasting an eminent demise or decline in revenue.)

Mainstream businesses and corporations are known to be seedy and ruthless themselves, and have been caught taking all kinds of corrupt and suspicious measures to increase the bottom line. So to think that an online gambling site would be any different would be overly optimistic IMO.

Secondly, if they did decide they wanted to increase profits in such a manner, they could easily do so, quite substantially I might add, by simply sitting in on games as “players” and taking the occasional pot from unsuspecting customers. The fish would never notice, and those using tracking software would simply chalk it up to variance.

It would be very easy for them to extract very large sums of money using this method without ever leaving a single footprint in poker tracker.

As far as suspicions arising….well, what would be the difference from where things are at right now? They have already been accused by many as being rigged, and have yet to bat an eye.

I am not accusing any online poker site of being rigged as of yet. I am simply taking into consideration possible means and motives if one such company were to be so inclined.

Poker will always be popular, no doubt about it. But the future of online poker is murky at best. No one can say for sure where exactly the law will stand when the dust settles, so putting the emphasis on short-term strategy would be a very wise decision to say the least.

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Post of the YEAR.

Finally, someone who is thinking with a clear head.
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