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Old 09-27-2005, 03:36 AM
AtticusFinch AtticusFinch is offline
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Default Making your next decision \"easier\"

Am I the only one who has serious issues with Harrington's idea that deliberately sizing your bet so that your next decision is automatic is a good thing?

It seems to me that if you size your bet such that your next decision is pre-determined, all you've done is take away your ability to make a decision. Assuming you're a good player, isn't it more advantageous to leave yourself with more flexibility to use your good judgment?

I don't object to making a bet of this size, by the way, if it's right based on other factors. But I don't see how limiting your own options is a material advantage in anything other than an all-in situation, and even then only with certain hands like AK and small pairs.

If taken to its logical extreme, this thinking could suggest that it's always better to just push or fold PF. Heck, it may even be true for some players. But surely not for any of the readers of this board.
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