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Old 09-27-2005, 02:55 AM
JAA JAA is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 95
Default Re: Tough river 20/40

Ahhh, I can see how this thread will go:

First Reply: "You probably have to call here, the pot is so big. The only way you can fold is if you are absolutely positive that you are beat. I don't like it."

OP Responds: "I know that this guy has to have me beat, he couldn't have anything other than a full house."

Next Reply: "Man, you really really have to be sure. If you make a mistake by calling you cost yourself one bet, but if you make a mistake by folding the best hand you cost yourself the whole pot."

OP: "Well, I'm positive I was beat, so I folded."

And on and on....

I don't mean any offense by this post, I'm just stating my opinion that these types of hands only you will relaly be able to know if you made the right move, since only you know how your opponent in the hand was playing and what his tendencies are. Deep down you probably know that the fold was correct, so nh.

- Jags
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