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Old 09-27-2005, 01:01 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I think I screwed up the river....

We can debate about this back and forth but, seriously, it is pretty close either way, isn't it? Except that (and I am assuming we have the best hand here - no reason to think otherwise) on the odd occasion we do not have the best hand, we will be putting in an extra bet and possibly pushing out callers, but how often are we going to lose this hand? With the way the rest of the betting went, I can't see us being beaten here... Unless someone is clueless, and got lucky, but again, them getting lucky is not going to beat us very often, and IF they got lucky, we get to see their cards and learn what kind of rags they are willing to play and in what position, giving us our read for the next time we are in a hand against them... So, I am back to Raise! BUT that is only because I am a noob and still don't know how to count - since it could be one extra bet depending on your decision, but this situation isn't likely to come up often, right? Which means that either response isn't a huge leak - it is so close to call that I think either way it isn't even a huge mistake.

If I can put everyone on calling my raise, I will go for it. If I think I will lose more callers than I make in raises, it becomes better to just call. But, do we have enough information at this point to decide either way?

Ok - just close your eyes and pick a button - worse that can happen is you hit fold by accident and then it asks if you really want to fold.
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