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Old 09-26-2005, 08:55 PM
William William is offline
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Default Online Poker Tycoon !

I posted this as a joke in another thread, but it is in fact an interesting question. Of course the results will not be accurate because of the many trolls and I will as usual be swimming in personnal attacks... but, hey, who cares [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

It is very easy. You have just inherited $30 millions (or whatever it takes, the thing is that you are going to risk them all) and want to invest in an online poker site.
You hire programmers, webdesigners and all that and after a couple of months everything is ready, you are going to take over the online poker world with some fantastic sign up bonuses, totally new rakeback programs, well-known pros are travelling the world wearing your brand new t-shirts, you have booked the biggest deposit box of the far-far-away-with-no-taxes-no-laws-no-morals-no-nothing-sunny-island you have moved to and the only thing left to decide is the question your marketing director has written in his report:

Is your site going to be rigged or not?

The marketing report shows 2 different scenarios:
<font color="red"> SCENARIO 1. </font> You run a 100% honest site. After a month it will be full of players, and practically every shark in the business is regularly playing at your site.
After 6 months, all sharks have made fortunes and all fishes gone broke. There is still some activity at your site (one good thing about fishes is that water covers 70% of our planet) but tournaments have died as the same people keep winning them and games don't last as long as before as the sharks are refusing to play against eachother. After 1 year bankrupcy is knocking at you door.

<font color="red"> SCENARIO 2. </font> You run a rigged site. Nothing really bad, you just let fishes draw out on sharks. Just times to begin with, but as you see that your site becomes more and more popular, the badbeats (wich are the secret to your succes) are now part of every game, almost constantly.

The advantage of this scenario is that fishes stay alive, they have a good time playing at your site, win a big tourney every now and then and the sharks come and play anyway, attracted by all the fishes. As a result, sharks still win, just not as much as they should and fishes still lose, just way less than what they should.
After 6 months your $30 millions have becomed $300 milions, you have 10 bunnies sharing you bed every night and are dinning at the dictator/emperor/self-appointed president's table once a week.

Which scenario do you honestly chose?
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