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Old 09-26-2005, 11:38 AM
FishInAPhoneBooth FishInAPhoneBooth is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 26
Default Re: Whats your biggest comeback in a MTT?

#1 - With the last $5 (only played 3 months then) left in my bankroll I entered a MTT on Pacific. Down to 1.5bb, end up all in with 92o against late position raiser who flips over queens. Flop xx2, turn 9, and so it began. Ended up finishing in 2nd place restoring my bankroll to the original $500. Also began my MTT obsession.

#2 - long kiss goodnight down to 400 chips in round 1 after bluffing off 1100 like a donk. Resolved to play like a human. Ended up taking second.
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