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Old 09-25-2005, 03:40 AM
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Default Re: I Need some help

Mason and my two+two friends,

I just posted this in the PSO forum. So I thought I would share it directly before you hear it through the grapevine.

"Just for the record, one PSO member asked for an opportunity to visit Study Group "C" last week (a closed group). I granted his request as I had no reason to suspect any devious intent.

He then cut and pasted a number of quotes from within the group forum to an e-mail which he sent to (handle deleted), who subsequently used the information (out of context) as bait in his topics this past week (Zone sytem, copyright and player notes).

Anybody who reads what I shared within the group can plainly see that it was:
1) a condensed and annotated part of a single topic;
2) was used to reinforce my suggestion to all members of the group to purchase both volumes of the book; and,
3) resulted in no financial benefit whatsoever to me personally.

In marketing terms, it was a very positive quasi-book review presented to a group of potential purchasers. The same summary is also in my trip report, "playing for the hurricane victims". Once again, it was presented in such a way that the only possible impact would be more sales of the books.

I have a personal relationship with Dan Harrington and will call his home and discuss this situation with him. If necessary, will send e-mails to both Mason Malmuth and Bill Robertie. I will personally respond to any posts on the subject on two+two.

The only thing I am guilty of is trying to promote these books. Obviously, there is an individual trying to cause trouble in whichever way he can. I have no idea what could possibly be motivating him.

Best wishes,

P.S. Anybody who wishes to publish this note on two+two is welcome to do so. As I said, I have done nothing other than share with my friends here on PSO how valuable I think Dan Harrington's wonderful books are, especially in relation to the Zone System which he invented."
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