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Old 09-25-2005, 12:07 AM
ekky ekky is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 244
Default Re: Flop nut flush, play on river when worried about straight flush?

your best play in this spot is to make the action on the flop

a) online players are full of hope. It springs eternal for them. In this spot if they have a spade paint card, they are geniunely excited about their flush draw. If they have top pair/spade kicker, they will also enjoy their position.

b) if you play the flop hard, people wont give you credit for having the flush, as they also are infected with FPS, and assume that you would play it a lot slower with the nuts

c) Given b)... people with top pair/set are coming along for the ride. Get their chips in the middle at the earliest spot, when they have 2 cards to come. Hope breeds optimism, and optimism breeds expectancy.

With 2 cards to come, they *expect* to make whatever hand they are hoping for. With 1 card or NO cards to come, they *know* whether or not they have made their hand.. make them pay while they are hoping, not trying to do it when they know all there is to know about there hand

The final problem, is that a turn card can come that will either be an action killer for them (if a 4th spade comes and they DONT have a spade) or for you (if the board pairs).. then you will be sweating (albeit not overly) a boat.

Play to the internet players weaknesses, not your strengths.

oh, and lastly, if they all do fold on the flop, you can console yourself with the fact that they most likely wont have had a hand that would pay you off much on later streets.
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