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Old 09-24-2005, 06:22 PM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: WMD

-500 tons (1 million pounds) of yellow cake uranium. Found at Saddam's nuclear weapons facility.

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A. Iraq has large natural reserves of yellowcake uranium. It had yellowcake uranium mines, monitored by UNSCOM. So that it "had" yellowcake uranium is neither a surprise nor evidence against it.
B. Noone suggests it had the technology to convert yellowcake uranium into weapons grade uranium. Indeed, yallowcake uranium is pretty much useless as far as making a nulear bomb goes.

"1.8 tons of partially enriched uranium found at Saddam's nuclear weapons facility. "

Tell us more. The ISG reported that all nuclear weapons research had been completely shut down years before.

"Two dozen artillery shells (found) loaded with Sarin and mustard gas. "

Loaded with expired sarin and mustard gas, and shells that even the team sent by the Bush adminsitration to look for WMDs admitted were misplaced, unknown to the regime and useless.

It's honestly pathetic how some will try to pretend that real WMD or active WMD programmes were found; give it up for goodness sake. At least the arguments about how it was all justified under UN resolutions even if he didn't actually have WMD, though wrong, don't make you look like delusional children.
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