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Old 09-24-2005, 04:24 AM
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Default Re: Religion is ethics for stupid people

I don't believe in god or christianity and yet I value human life and have morals/ethics. I help old ladies cross the street and I live a respectable murder free life. Therefore, does this make me a super intelligent person who doesn't need religion and who is smarter than the "stupid people" who follow religion. Absolutely not. A lot of highly intelligent people follow religion and they are not "crazy dumb people". You're just saying that religious people are stupid and that without religion(with the eternal hell punnishment) the world would collapse and chaos would break out. How many people do you think there are in the world that believe in religion and the "hell punishment"? Better yet, how many people do you think have religion as the only thing holding them back from murdering everybody else? Your view of mankind is very misanthropic. Give mankind some credit. We're not all homicidal maniacs waiting to strike down our peers.
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