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Old 09-19-2003, 09:26 AM
Gamblor Gamblor is offline
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Default Re: Meanwhile, among the other sneetches ....

You're forgetting that there's a ton of racism on either side. When racism becomes so tragic that the other side revels in the deaths or misery of another, it hardly matters if one side is 10% more or less "racist" than the other. This assumes that such things could be determined, and of course they can't for the reasons I mentioned above.

I have never seen Israelis party in the streets after a targeted killing.

In Gaza, on the other hand, a party erupts every time news of a successful bombing gets through. You remember the lynching in Ramle?

Two Israeli reservists got lost near Jerusalem and were picked up by two Palestinian police officers and detained. People cheering outside a police station while the soldiers were tortured and beaten and eventually killed inside. People showing their bloody hands outside to the cheering crowd below. The officers tossing the bodies out the window so the people below can mutilate the dead bodies.

All of this captured on Italian TV. Now imagine:
a) this happening in Israel - fat chance when you have relatively decent people involved.
b) the PA threatens journalists who write about and cameramen who shoot video that portrays Palestinians in a poor light - imagine how many similar videos are out there?

According to Reporters Sans Frontieres:
Some 10 Palestinian Security Services regularly hinder the work of Palestinian and foreign journalists. In 2000, several members of the press who featured criticisms against the Palestinian authority, were either summoned or arbitrarily detained. Several television stations were temporarily shut down. Since the start of the uprising, the Palestinian police have been known to physically threaten journalists and confiscate television news reports thought might negatively impact the image of the Palestinian people. In 2002, the security services refused to execute a court judgement to reopen the Al-Rissala newspaper, which sympathises with the Hamas radical movement, in Gaza.

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You may point to violations by Israeli soldiers - however, in every case, the journalist's life was in danger (i.e. he was continuing to take pictures despite dangerous scenes, or he was hindering the ability of the soldiers to do their jobs. I have never seen a reporter, but in conversation I heard about a situation in which Palestinians were being arrested and were acting as if they had been shot when they saw the camera - going so far as to scream to Arafat for help and falling to the ground when they were simply being put in handcuffs. i.e. they would suddenly hit the deck for the camera. Just a story from friends.
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