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Old 09-24-2005, 02:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Bankrollbonanza owner is scum

I'm officially pissed off. is being run by a criminal. He is literally stealing from people, and I'm ready to take whatever action I can.

Just over a month ago I did three referrals through his site. I should be getting 3x$50 in PartyPoker gift certificates from him. I was patient at first. I figured it could take a couple of weeks to make it happen.

Well, after three weeks I started posting on the message board at that site. Also sent a few emails to his address. I was very polite, and just figured the dude was busy. However, his message boards started going crazy with people wondering why the guy wasn't getting back to questions and requests for why no one was getting paid.

Today the link to the message board was removed. This is not good. I'm pissed. If anyone has a suggestion on how to proceed I would love to hear it. I've already taken the time to contact all of the sites that he advertises on his site.

Edit: I looked it up. Its been six weeks (8-10-05) since I finished all three referrals through this guys site.
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