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Old 09-24-2005, 02:18 AM
jester710 jester710 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Default Re: A perfect illustration of how Dems screw things up...

I don't undertand why everyone hates Arnold. He has won me over *after* getting into office, as I didn't even vote for him. But I think he's great and his initiatives are fantastic.

I think his low poll numbers merely reflect the fact that about half of Californians are state employees. So yea, if you are in on that sweet gravy train maybe you won't like what he's doing.

I'd love to see a poll of non-state employees.

He's probably the best governor we've ever had. Too bad the assembly is so full of crap they won't work with him.


[/ QUOTE ]

Could those of you who would agree with this statement briefly outline what these initiatives and policies are? I currently live in California, but I'm a Texas transplant, and I still follow Texas politics to the detriment of California politics.

I tried researching on the internet, but I couldn't find any info that really helped (pretty much every article I found was "Union Rallies Against Arnold" or something similar), and after five minutes I decided it was hopeless and gave up.

Sorry for asking you to do my dirty work, but thanks in advance.
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