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Old 09-23-2005, 02:07 PM
XChamp XChamp is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 164
Default How Do You Keep the Fish Happy?

The past few days I have been following around a fish at some of the mid range NL tables on Party. The great thing about him is that he 4-tables, so I can get in thousands of hands against him. He is very LAG but rarely changes things up, which means it is quite easy to know where he is in a hand. As a result I have been demolishing him. Two days ago I stacked him 6 times in one session.

Then today I sit down at all of his tables and he tells me that if I don't start "giving him action" he will hide himself from searches. I told him I was giving him action and referred to the when I called all in with a flush draw and lost. He said that wasn't enough and then got up and left all 4 tables and then hid himself from searches.

I am pretty upset because I think this could have been prevented. Normally I would think I got greedy in playing all 4 of his tables instead of 2, but the first day I ran into him he talked so much trash about my play I figured he would want me at all of his tables so he could "put on a poker clinic." I also refrainded from saying anything after his massive suckouts.

Was this inevitable? How do you keep your fish happy?
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