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Old 09-23-2005, 01:29 PM
IQ89 IQ89 is offline
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Posts: 161
Default What Chicks Really Mean When They Ask, \"What\'s Your Goal In Life?\"

This is a question often asked by sophistcated gold diggers who you're meeting for the first time. Because I watched a guy at a club caught off guard after being asked this question the other night, I thought I'd post this thread. Anyway, the question simply means: What are you doing now to put yourself in a position to be making more money in the future?

Unsophisticated gold diggers are more direct: "So what do you drive?" etc..

When a chick asks you what your goals in life are, it sounds kind of deep; open to interpretation. It doesn't necessarily have to be related to money. For instance, your goal in life could be to become a monk. But I assure you, if you answer in a way that isn't somehow related to your money-making potential (which should also give them an idea of how much you're making presently [student = broke]), most likely you'll be filed away in their "Friend Only" category.

Unless she's unusually hot, I'll most likely be evasive and say something like, "Well, my goal in life is to find the perfect woman." (Or maybe to find the perfect cheeseburger, or whatever...) Because they have a degree tact, they'll act like they give a sh!t and play along, "Oh, what requirements would your perfect woman have to fulfill?" After feigning interest she may try once more to redirect the conversation back to your money-related goals. If that doesn't work (and it usually doesn't with me) you can just watch their interest evaporate. Of course if you're desperate (which I am sometimes), you can go ahead and play along. Nothing wrong with that, but at least you'll know the score.
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