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Old 09-23-2005, 12:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Math Unites Atheists and Believers

You can only reject on lack of evidence, not prove.

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I never said that there is nothing beyond the Universe or that I know how it started. But that does not mean I must somehow leave room for the fact that a 'higher being' may have started it. I just don't see the connection. And it is pointless to try. I do indeed reject that possibility do to lack of evidence (and logic). Your original post was about assigning a number to one's level of belief or lack of. I simply want it known that on that scale I am a Zero -period.

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1. I was not the OP.

2. You stated: "NO CHANCE THE UNIVERSE WAS INFLUENCED BY A HIGHER BEING - PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!" This implies that you are the one making the claim, not the one rejecting a claim. You cannot logically make a claim for which you cannot support.

3. The fact that you fail to see any difference between "I believe there is no god..." and "I do not believe there is a god..." suggests that further discussion of this topic with you is futile.
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