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Old 09-18-2003, 04:16 PM
RockLobster RockLobster is offline
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Default Issue with my UB referrals

Hi Guys--

If you've never been to my site, please disregard this post.

Pat (the PokerTracker author) opened a UB account from my site. I requested an affiliate report from UB a few days later, and found that his signup wasn't showing up. To sum things up, they reviewed my site and links and said that everything was set up fine, they can't say exactly why he wasn't linked to me.

Anyway, I'm concerned that anyone else who signed up for UB from my site prior to today isn't linked to me. If you used my UB links when signing up can you please pm me?

Their support has been great, they've even added an alternate way for me to get credited on future signups (which I won't list here). I'm just concerned that I have no way of knowing if I'm missing affiliate signups.

I apologize if anyone is offended by this post, it's not my intention to waste space, I just didn't know where else to go.

Thanks all--
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