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Old 09-23-2005, 10:42 AM
JayCo JayCo is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 173
Default Re: Your relationship\'s effect on your game?

So do you think your daughter and girlfriend would rather have an extra few bucks in EV or more care and attention from you?

Quick fact check:
1) Your girlfriend had a rough day and was on pain meds
2) Your girlfriend got up in the middle of the night to help YOUR daughter (not sure if she's her kid too, you didn't specify)
3) TWICE you didn't stop playing poker to go help your kid who's crying and obviously in pain or scared
4) Your girfriend is upset and frustrated with you for #s 1-3 and acts out at you as a result

Your conclusions:
1) "women are a pain in the ass" (I agree, but you deserved it)
2) "I thought of myself as valiant" (I think you were kidding here. I hope so.)

My thoughts:
1) You should take a good, hard, honest look in the mirror and ask yourself if your priorities are lined up properly.
2) You were a completely self-centered, self-absorbed, ungrateful and basically lousy boyfriend / parent last night

I know I sound like I'm being majorly judgemental (because I am), but I've been in the same spot as you many times. I took a month off from poker when my daughter was 6 months old (she's 3 now) and realized how much I took my wife for granted while I was "playing in a really important part of the tournament" or "really juicy game". I am 100% aware of the urge to finish a tournament and the major annoyance of a screaming kid can be when you're playing. But your family is more important. Well, it should be anyway.

My two cents:
1) I 2nd the idea to stop playing tourneys (even SNGs) and play ring when your kid is home.
2) Play at a limit that makes it easy for you to walk away from blinds if your kid needs you.

Yes, you'll give up some fraction of your optimal poker win playing that way.

Off my soap box now. Feel free to flame away, every one.
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