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Old 09-23-2005, 09:38 AM
Rick H Rick H is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 21
Default Re: Excellent Advice. Just One Thing . . .

Just a couple thoughts from a geezer:

I got a degree some fifteen years later than most. I got it because I found out that I did not know everything (and I still acknowledge this fact).

My work-life is technical, my degree is in business. Not much of the coursework related to my job. I find that I did not waste my time learning such irrelevant material. I use a little of that knowledge most every day.

Education, like everything else in life, is worth as much as you want it to be worth. As Earl Nightingale once said, "you always get what you settle for".

My advice would be to get as much education as you are willing to work at.

One last point, I find it quite ironic that folks who would slam anyone here for posting advice based on a sample size of 1 ( or even 10). I would suggest anyone thinking of quitting college research the value of a degree in their chosen field using the same statistical analysis as they would use in evaluating a poker hand. There are plenty of statistics available showing how incomes increase in relation to the years of education obtained.
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