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Old 09-23-2005, 03:01 AM
natedogg natedogg is offline
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Default Re: Accepting your argument

correlation != causation

[/ QUOTE ]There's nothing in politics or economics which can have its causation proven. A hypothesis can only be proven incorrect.

However this correlation is just about as strong as they come. On average the economy and the budget does much better under a Democratic Administration.

Oh, and on topic, the right-wing American Enterprise Institute recently came out with this:

Bush Junior is a drunk spendthrift.

Somehow half of America has been convinced that we should spend a ton of money building up another country, but not our own. If the Left could ever get a noise machine that powerful, imagine what we could accomplish. Maybe our students would start competing well against other nations... who knows. The sky is the limit.

[/ QUOTE ]

One could easily posit that since the effects of changes to fiscal policy take some time to percolate through the economy, it's possible your analyis is ass-backwards. What if my theory was that the state of the economy is always a reflection of the previous 3 -4 years worth of federal meddling?

Then it looks like Republican administrations are dealing with the mess of Democratic administrations while Democratic administrations are undermining the strong results of Republican actions...

The point is, your chart is nonsense and so is your analysis, and no, I'm not a supporter of Bush. I'm offended by ALL stupidity not just republican stupidity.

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