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Old 09-18-2003, 09:45 AM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

"Done. I win. As for the schools, I know I can find evidence for that because I've seen the evidence as I describe in my recent addition to the last post, but I don't need that anymore. I only needed that to show that the government supports this propaganda, and you agree with that so I'm done. "

Gah. I asked about government-run schools in Arab countries teaching children to hate the West and that it's honorable to kill "tresspassing infidels". You've responded with PA propaganda about suicide bombings against Israelis and the assertion that some Arab countries fund terrorists, neither of which I mentioned or queried.

I'll say it one more time: I asked for proof regarding , and described as fiction, your claim that state run schools in Arabic countries (I believe you meant most, but it doesn't matter right now as you've not done it for any) teach children to hate the West, and that it would be honourable for them to kill "trespassing infidels." If you have proof for this, then just show it.
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