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Old 09-22-2005, 10:40 AM
Ghazban Ghazban is offline
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Default Jackpot blackmail

I was talking to an older guy who is a floorman at Foxwoods last weekend about jackpots. He said that they used to have them there (I don't know when; I've only been playing there about a year and a half and they haven't had them in that time) but a problem came about from players threatening a potential jackpot winner with folding instead of checking or calling on the end unless that player would share the jackpot.

I don't know how the jackpot was set up (that is, if the bad beat-ed hand got the whole jackpot or if it was split as it seems to be in other jackpot threads I've read) but is this a real problem in general? I'd never thought much about jackpots before but can see a potential problem there.
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