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Old 09-22-2005, 10:23 AM
downtown downtown is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 33
Default Re: $33 STT 2 months of data trying out pro

You need to listen to lacky and play more if this is your full time job. Also, you need to play 4 at once, get used to it, and then play more if possible. This is an alternative to putting in more hours. If you feel intimidated at first by all the activity, drop down to a level which you're more comfortable with until it seems easy to you. Then play a lot more SNGs.

FWIW I have more SNGs than you this month (which is not that many, and it looks like you're saying the last 4 weeks, in which I have MANY more) with many less hours, but I average 9/hr and I have a full time job until I go back to grad school in January, I'm building my roll by 8-tabling. I don't think I could live on poker now, but I could come close. You might want to also consider your planning for being a pro. You're going to need more volume and that's only going to come via more hours or more tables.
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