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Old 09-22-2005, 01:30 AM
HighestCard HighestCard is offline
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Default Re: Hypothetical AK Situation

Folding and pushing are the two worst options here I think. Giving away this hand on the button is obviously playing like curtians (weak/tight). Pushing would only cause you to get called by coinflips or places where your a dog the vast majority of the time.

I see two options from here:
1. Calling and useing your position to your advantage on the flop. I say continuation bet a missed flop with one or two face cards, and check/fold to calls. He might fold an under pp, or call and check the rest of the board. He might also re raise his ace x which hit, but I doubt he is bluffing with his chip stack and position.

2. (The better option IMO)I would try a re-raise here of 300 pre flop(essentially a min raise to him), and fold to a push. It would let you know where his hand stands because he would probably push with high pp's and just call with ace x, or be a donk and call with king face suited. I know, I know "but thats over a 1/3 of your stack", I dont see how you can proceed on the flop without further information on him.

Open to flaming,

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