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Old 09-21-2005, 09:43 PM
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Default Re: why does sklansky spend so much time on the philos section?and oth

Do you believe that the big bang was the beginning of the universe, or that the universe existed before it? I believe Russell believed the universe was eternal. To many scientists, the big bang clearly implies or perhaps explicitly shows that the universe had a definite beginning, some near 20 million years ago. What evidence is there that God had such a beginning. What evidence do you have that God is not eternal? What evidence do you have that God does not exist?

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1. I don't have (and currently can't have) any evidence about nthe universe before the big bang, so I believe nothing about it before that event as there is no basis for any particular "belief."

2. The fact that there was a big bang does *not* imply that there must have been a "beginning." The singularity that was the universe could have existed for "eternity" (whatever that means before time) just like your God, or it could endlessly be contracting/expanding, or it could be a slice of a higher dimensional space which "predates" it, etc. But since there can be no evidence beyond the big bang due to its singular nature, these are all just wild ass guesses not based on physical evidence, much like your religion.

Oh, and this is precious: "What evidence do you have that God does not exist?" What evidence do YOU have that the flying spaghetti monster didn't create the universe?
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