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Old 09-21-2005, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: TiltieMcTilterson creates a crazy-game-of-pokah (LONG) 5/10 6max

I'm mostly in agreement with AZK and Bobbo. Here's where I'd play differently:

Hand 2: Large re-raise. You have McTilt isolated and you should be reasonably confident your AJ is best. OOP, though, you want to set a high price for Tiltie to see the flop.

Hand 4: Check. There were two players acting before McTilt. Either one of them could be looking for a check raise. An alternative is to bet half the pot to see where you are and fold if the check-raise comes back at you. I don't think risking more than that is justified here.

Hand 6: I'd probably call, but I'm not too sure about this one. Folding seems reasonable, too.

Hand 3 cont. Bet about $350. A tilting player won't be able to resist a bet of less than half the pot. He'll probably call, and there's a good chance he'll sense weakness and re-raise you all-in. Sure, he'd do the same thing with the Q, but there's no reason to suspect that here. I guess checking and hoping he bets the turn would probably work, too.

Good post by the way. Exploiting tilters effectively is an important skill. As AZK warns, a lot of players will loosen up to much. You need to ensure you don't start spewing your chips with a medium pair unless you have Tiltie isolated.
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